Rising Super Chef tells the story of the journey of a young super chef named Emma. From a passion for cooking and a desire to serve customers, the young girl has become a talented chef in the most famous restaurants. At first, Emma followed and l...
Rising Super Chef tells the story of the journey of a young super chef named Emma. From a passion for cooking and a desire to serve customers, the young girl has become a talented chef in the most famous restaurants. At first, Emma followed and learned a lot from a renowned chef, but later, she started her adventure to create a unique new story. Are you curious about Emma’s journey? Indeed, the process of realizing the dream of becoming a super chef can have many difficulties; please come and help Emma right now.Would you like to try your hand at being a fast food cook pushing a culinary cart worldwide or becoming a restaurant manager with hot sandwiches? You can take on any job related to food, even opening and operating a coffee shop. Your mission at Rising Super Chef APK is to serve customers who are hungry and want to enjoy delicious food. Rush into the kitchen right away to complete the menu and diners’ orders before they have to leave because they’re hungry. Players can use all available kitchen equipment to help the cooking process become faster.Rising Super Chef APK mod brings you more than 1000 delicious recipes with diverse culinary tastes. This helps ensure you can please all diners, even the most demanding ones. Not only burgers or pizza, the restaurant has all kinds of delicious cakes, desserts and drinks. If I had to list them all, it would be countless, for example, British food with roast beef, fried fish, and pudding; Thai food with tom yum, sashimi with Thai sauce or cuisine from many other countries such as Korea, Japan, China, America, Mexico,⦠Besides, there are dozens of types of fresh ice cream and cakes to serve you. small and the most demanding connoisseur of sweets.The kitchen is the source of inspiration, helping you overcome all challenges in Rising Super Chef APK 8.7.0. Therefore, invest in it carefully. You can start by preparing hundreds of ingredients for the most attractive dishes. Or, buy new tools like a toaster, dough kneader, pots, pans, etc., to make cooking easier. In addition, players can upgrade their kitchens to hundreds, thousands of different levels, expand the scale as the diners increase, and grow more and more majestically. You can’t let diners wait in long lines when the restaurant is too small and cramped, right? So let’s upgrade it.Before achieving success, Emma used to have an unremarkable appearance and was even laughed at. But now, when she has succeeded with Rising Super Chef and become a star in the chef world, she can’t stay mediocre forever. Please help this female chef become more dressed up and more outstanding. This game has hundreds of upgrades available for you, from changing outfits and makeup to hairstyles,⦠all of which will help Emma live up to the title of a comprehensive super chef.It can be seen that the chef simulation game Rising Super Chef is really worth trying and experiencing. With the story of Emma’s journey to pursue her dream of becoming a super chef, players feel motivated and willed, inspired by this young but enthusiastic and ambitious girl. Thousands of delicious dishes from all over the world are included in this game, helping you gain a deeper understanding of the fascinating culinary cultures of other countries. Download Rising Super Chef mod apk and become the king of chefs.
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