Many current computer games require gamers to play with a controller. Many people think playing with the keyboard is okay; why buy more gamepads? They see that they have spent money to buy computers, even more money to buy games, and the economy is n...
Many current computer games require gamers to play with a controller. Many people think playing with the keyboard is okay; why buy more gamepads? They see that they have spent money to buy computers, even more money to buy games, and the economy is not much. However, there is an undeniable fact that games must be played with a controller. Simply because only the gamepad can fully adapt to that game. The ways to control and create moves are too complicated if playing on a computer keyboard. There are even games that can only be played with the controller, and the keyboard cannot be used. By PC Remote APK, the phone becomes a handle.If I had to list all the games right now, it would be hopeless. Every day there are millions of games released on different platforms, phones, and computers. Each game needs specific playing devices to help optimize the experience. Some games only require a keyboard and mouse, readily available devices. However, there are games that you must have a controller to play. And you have to think twice about whether you need to buy a handle or not, which type is acceptable. PC Remote APK mod asks permission to serve you to the fullest, making your phone more versatile. Specifically, your phone will work as a handle.One of the things that users care most about is how easy the application is to use. And, of course, with PC Remote APK 8.1.2, the answer is absolute yes, even straightforward. With light manipulations, you can take advantage of all the features of the application. The developer of the application has also put the convenience of the user to the top. Now let’s get to the main content, how to install this fantastic application. The first step, users need to download the PC Remote application device, that’s for sure. Next, the critical task you need to install PC Remote Receiver from the website. It sounds complicated, but rest assured that this operation is straightforward. When you go to the website, you will immediately see the receipt of the PC Remote application for the computer. The final step is that you will choose how to connect the device to the computer using the method. Wifi and Bluetooth are both compatible.With a real handle, users will have different function keys. The two most giant keys will be used to control the movement of objects in the game. The remaining function keys are used to tell the characters in the game to show their skills. By PC Remote, users have not only those keys but also many other functions. Besides moving buttons and character skill keys, the application also adjusts parameters. To be precise, users can add or remove function keys for the best. You can add buttons, joysticks, and even sensors to your phone. Along with that is the size of the keys that can be adjusted by the user himself. In addition, PC Remote provides other remote control features such as speakers or cameras. Using this app, adjusting the volume of the external speakers couldn’t be easier. The viewing angles of the camera will also be adjusted accordingly.There is an undeniable fact that the developer has put himself in the user’s perspective. The reason for this lies in the very interface of this revolutionary application. The connection operations between devices are greatly simplified. Buttons and function words are always clearly visible, from old to young can be used. As mentioned above, users can adjust the keys to suit their preferences. Adjust the number, size, and even position of the keys. Comfort will be the last thing that users enjoy and maintain throughout the game. A handle that only you have.If you want to play games without a controller, PC Remote makes that possible. The application has enough advanced capabilities to turn your phone into a gamepad. Download PC Remote mod apk to set up the buttons and function keys of the controller right on your phone and enjoy the games to the fullest.
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