Devil May Cry Mobile beta officially released in English + China

30-September-2024 (02 hours ago)

Devil May Cry Mobile beta officially released in English + China

The final PTA for Devil Can Cry Mobile has been published by Capcom. On the game engine, this is a fun slasher with cutscenes. We encounter the pompous and young Dante right away, who tries to meet girls when shooting demons. The storyline implies that someone or something is to blame for the presence of demons. There are chapters in the novel. The visuals are well-suited to handheld devices. The buttons are simple and the panel is not cluttered with icons. The “rate” is not shown while typing a combination for any reason.

What about localization? The game is half-translated into English and half-translated into Chinese. There are two difficulty levels: straightforward and difficult. The final one would have buffs to material loss. New characters would appear, at least Lady and Virgil, according to the storyline. There is a three-player cooperative game. We obtain money, pieces, and loot boxes after completing the stages. Chinese account is needed to play Devil May Cry Mobile on Android. The iOS update will be released later. So far, no news on a global rollout, save for China and maybe Southeast Asia.

APK file of the game is 1.5GB, after opening, the game will download more DLC capacity of about 4GB more. Please pay attention

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