In the magical world of Eos, all are living in peace. Then, one day, the evil demons returned to wreak havoc and divide the world. The fierce, fiery wars between good and evil factions do not have the same thought and purpose. Instead, you will gathe...
In the magical world of Eos, all are living in peace. Then, one day, the evil demons returned to wreak havoc and divide the world. The fierce, fiery wars between good and evil factions do not have the same thought and purpose. Instead, you will gather powerful soldiers on your side to fight in the arena. Attack and destroy enemy buildings and units. An ancient dark force has reappeared to wreak havoc, destroying the peace between the kingdoms that were living peacefully.Heroes of the Realms is a tactical game that will let players participate in bloody battles of factions that do not share the same idea, direction, and purpose. Start your journey by performing rookie missions. Gradually collect your soldiers and income into the army. There are many different characters whose images and abilities are different. Each character will have unique abilities and powers suitable for different situations. You will be spoiled for choice and collect power-ups to have your squad. From there, use it to conquer and collect the corresponding rewards. This war is filled with hatred and burning between ordinary people, elves, angels, and demons.With so many characters, the style of the characters is different. You will be free to think and create different ways of playing and teams you love. You like a squad with special characters according to your preferences, such as archery and melee;… Level up and search for generals to create the strongest army. Use equipment on your pieces, increasing their power. Use the money you earn after each battle and mission to buy items. After you feel confident with the strength of your army, go to battle the towers. Constantly change, search and upgrade your army so you can fight anywhere. Easily conquer everywhere our army goes.You join the game and will have tasks from challenging to access for you. Initial easy tasks like learning how to build towers, exploring oases, finding champions, and building armies. Then as you gradually get used to the gameplay and operation of the game, you will perform more complex tasks. Such as invading, breaking the opponent’s oasis, conquering, and searching for pieces… After completing the assigned responsibilities, you will get strange and attractive items. The gifts, such as equipment, money, and troops, will correspond to your task. Every day in the game will give you the first task of the day in the daily quest.Seven factions with three regions for you to choose from and join the game. Just collect and arrange your characters to be reasonable and optimal. While your party is in the enemy field, your unit is given an improved mana regeneration rate. Control your units to attack enemy structures, reducing the opponent’s health to zero. Once the opponent’s health is depleted, you will win and be awarded gifts. Winning the war, gamers will receive valuable items such as currency, food, battle points, etc. The goal of the soldier unit will be to attack the opponent’s construction. After the intense battle, your energy points will be significantly depleted. Mana regeneration after some time, you will not have a limit to accumulate, so keep increasing it.The game occupies the magic of Heroes of the Realms with simple but unique gameplay. Converging all the building, fighting, and exploration elements of a typical strategy game, join the game every day to build an army to conquer other oases. Improve your ability to think about the game with new and unique construction ways. Download Heroes of the Realms mod to immerse yourself in a magical role-playing game and build a character in the Eos universe.
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